Today we introduce you a Tacitus aureus of the highest rarity, that it will be auction in our Floor Auction 50, that will be hold on February 05th, 2020 in Gran Meliá Fénix Hotel in Madrid. We are facing the best specimen known, with original luster, sharply struck and a magnificent portrait.

Observing an aureus in such excellent condition is a luxury, which we seldom come across. Besides, in this case, we are talking about a rare and scarce piece, which adds a plus of satisfaction in the observation of this coin.
As Tacitus was proclaimed emperor, he was already 75 years old, which was not usual at that time. His reign harly lasted six months. Even so, he was remembered and later he was acknoledged as a “good senatorial ruler”, who worried about the people. This can be seen in the coins minted during his reign, whose reverses show allusions to the well-being of the citizens, such as: Felicitas temporum, Pax perpetua, Pax publica, Salus publica or, like in the piece we are offering, Securitas publica; happiness, peace, health, safety. In short, wishes of well-being…
His interest in the common good did not prevent him from dedicating himself to the war issues. He had to take care of the raids of the Goths and achieved a victory in the battle against the Alans near Palus Maeotis (delta of the Don River at its mouth).